A podcast is just like Talk Radio.
The one difference is that Talk Radio is typically broadcast over the airwaves or internet and Podcasts are not.
Podcasts are individual MP3 files that you can download and listen to – just like songs on an album.
When I say “Subscribe to my Podcast” what I am really saying is subscribe to my RSS feed and it will automatically download the next episode as soon as it is uploaded.
Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, etc are all podcast players. When you click subscribe, these players they will check the RSS feed and download the latest episode of your favorite podcast every day.
You can listen to the podcast right on my website – however as soon as your device goes to sleep or you navigate away from the web page, the audio will stop playing!
The best way to consume Burlington Talks is through an audio or dedicated podcast application. Click one of the links below to try one out!